Study whenever and wherever you want with our digital SQE1 courses. Packed full of textbooks, videos, mock tests, and more, we’ve got everything you need to get ready for your SQE1 assessment. Plus, our tutors are on hand to support you.
Your study plan will include access to:
Summary notes covering the key points and major principles
18 textbooks specifically written for the SQE
~5,000 digital flashcards
200+ video tutorials
2,500+ practice questions
30 mock tests (15 for FLK1 and 15 for FLK2) with 90 questions each which simulate real exam conditions
We update our resources regularly to reflect any changes in the law or the SQE syllabus.
To learn more about SQE1 Prep, head over to our website. ☝️
If you need more assistance, chat with us on Messenger. 🗨️